Hackathons, Apps

Here are a few things I have loved making or co-making with friends over the years.

  1. Flask marketplace for homecare space. [Still live] This is a marketplace for care agencies to list care services and for those in need of care to buy care services. It’s based on cloning Gumroad.com. Lots of WIP.

  2. Raspberry Pi voice device for sun tracking. Connected a projector to a SpeechRecognition built into a Pi, a solar position api and a ray casting visual.

  3. Marketplace for LED space. Users could upload excel spreadsheets and building dimensions and in return receive a quote of how to retrofit or otherwise best fill the building with LED lights and buy bulbs through the site. Partnered with a distributor in Oakland, and ultimately sold.

  4. Mobile betting app in Java. A few friends and I thought it would be fun to have an app that acted as an arbiter so we setup an isntagram feed for bets and a method of commenting on bets like you might on a Venmo payment.

  5. Mobile app for accelerating donations to charities This was an android app that took the then-recent Tinder UI and applied it to charities scraped from Charity Navigator and hosted a payment median to allow donations as small at 50 cents.

  6. Message board with Ruby. This was my first attempt at a message board with the premise being for Stanford and Berkeley students to get to know one another and represent comments in a tree-like way for some given subject.

  7. Pensiev was an attempt at making a consumer facing native Mac app to automate mouse and keyboard movements using OpenCV. I used sikuli as a skeleton, and as a means of learning OpenCV. Demo link here. (For more ML content see ML tab.)